Level Two Award in Introduction to First Aid in Mental Health (ERC)
This is a two day accredited course under HABC. It introduces learners to the principles of first aid for mental health. Providing learners with an understanding of the basic concepts and tools needed to undertake the role of a first aider for mental health in the workplace.
Learners will explore their own role in relation to the tools they will need to use to support an individual, how they are contributing to a wellness culture and how they can manage. The learner will understand the concepts of mental health, mental ill health and wellbeing, other related terminology, and subjects.
It aims to provide a learner with an understanding that all individuals have mental health and that an individual’s experience of mental health can fluctuate on a spectrum.
With this course you will learn to:
- Identify and describe risk factors that may cause vulnerability to mental health situations internal external environmental
- Outline the stigma associated with mental illness and mental health
- Describe how stigma may impact on an individual’s experience of mental health
- Explain why there can be an attitude of some people with a Mental Health condition
- Identify the signs and symptoms associated with the main types of mental health and mental illness
- Outline the different pathways you can send someone to get qualified help / counselling
- Understand suicide terminology and the rise in the statistics of suicide
- What to be looking for if possible, with someone who may be looking to suicide as a way to remove worries fear and pain permanently
- Explain how to communicate to people with Metal Health Issues
- Identify and implement ideas to promote Physical and Mental Health wellbeing